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Keilor East Clinic

Phone: (03) 9331 5555

54 Commercial Pl,
Keilor East, Victoria, 3033


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Phone: (03) 8390 2233

Address: 51 Caroline Springs Boulevard,
Caroline Springs, Victoria, 3023


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Visceral (Organ) Biomechanics

Definition of Visceral Biomechanics

Health and Vitality through Visceral Biomechanics

Visceral Biomechanics is the science of understanding health and vitality through the position and tension of tissues throughout the body. Visceral Biomechanics evaluates organs  and tissues, tension and pressure, of structures onto each other which may limit blood & lymph flow and nerve supply to a part and affecting physiological function.


Visceral biomechanics teaches methods to remove these abnormal pressures on structures, hopefully allowing the body to return to normal balance and function. Different postures may affect fluid flow through vessels and cause congestion, correcting the posture and returning the right motion through tissues may help to reduce this congestion.


Organs like the stomach and bladder, especially when full, are a good example of how poor posture and body weaknesses, may make it become susceptible to reflux and also pressure on other structures. Stomach pressure,for example, may lead to heartburn; Poor posture may cause a full stomach to be push up against the diaphragm interfering with breathing by decreasing the ability for the diaphragm to contract fully.


In a similar way, a full bladder may have undue pressure placed upon it by poor posture or incorrect lifting strategies which may cause increase in backflow to the kidney or a weakness of the bladder valves leading to leakage.


Blood vessels also, may be affected by physical pressure of neighbouring structures. Pins and Needles into the hands and also feet maybe a sign of reduced blood supply from pressure upon vessels by muscles, ligament and bone elements of the spine.


Simple clinic tests can readily identify these impingements.

In our clinic we often hear patients' stories of how they suffer from variety of symptoms.  Many have a mechanical element to the problem where tissues are a little distorted and are easily returned back to good function by mechanical procedures or a change of habit.


Checking over a patient using visceral biomechanics procedures often elicits a possible cause of the symptoms as a mechanical pinch or stretch of a structure limiting its capacity to do its job. Often, reflex nerve irritation, with a pinched or stretched tissue, only adds to the problem with the development of pain. When we develop these restrictions our ability to do the thing we want becomes limited.


Finding and correcting these tissue faults requires an anatomical insight with a physiological understanding into the way the tissue lies and moves in the body. Knowing the way mechanical pressures may be placed upon them helps the practitioner to work out a solution of removing the tissue fault. This requires the skill of a doctor trained in visceral biomechanics. Often, once the problem is located the symptoms are eliminated quickly as tissues and organs return back to the way they were meant to function in a healthy way.


The doctors in this clinic, are trained in the very precise understanding of Visceral Biomechanics and work eagerly to get our patients well again.